Commercial Vehicle Safety Program

Officer standing beside a truck on the road

The RCMP Commercial Vehicle Safety Program is a partnership between the RCMP, Municipal Police Forces, the BC Trucking Industry, Commercial Vehicle Inspectors, Work Safe BC and other road safety agencies and organizations throughout BC.

The main goal of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Program is to:

Decrease the number of motorist or pedestrians killed or injured as a result of a commercial vehicle related collision through enforcement, education and working with road safety partners.

 Officer assessing a truck’s tire

The RCMP works closely with the BC Trucking Industry, Commercial Vehicle Inspectors and Work Safe BC to make sure companies are well educated on the road safety issues that affect the commercial vehicle industry and make sure those companies that do not abide by the rules are dealt with.

The RCMP is committed to educate and raise awareness as it relates to commercial vehicle safety this is an issue not only within the commercial vehicle industry but throughout the general population. British Columbia is committed to become a leader in commercial vehicle safety throughout North America.


BC Government Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement

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