Police Liaison Team (PLT)
The BC RCMP’s Police Liaison Team (PLT), previously known as Division Liaison Team (DLT), is a group of specially trained police officers, responsible for outreach efforts to various interest groups, associations and communities.
We understand that individuals and groups will continue to exercise their constitutional right to peacefully demonstrate/protest. It is the goal of the PLT to work with all groups that are planning and executing events so that they are able to fulfill their objectives in a manner that is safe, lawful and peaceful.
PLT and DLT are the same entity. The term Police
replaced Division
to fall in line with terminology used by other police agencies and our policing partners across Canada.
On January 1, 2024, the Critical Response Unit - British Columbia (CRU-BC) absorbed the PLT, whose role supports the measured approach to public order enforcement through relationship building, impartiality, interoperability and education throughout all the stages of conflict.
PLT continues to engage stakeholders at all levels in any critical incident to find strategies for a mutual resolution. When PLT is successful, their work can greatly decrease or even eliminate the need for police enforcement during public order events.
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