FSOC investigation gets BC Hells Angel 4 years in prison

B.C., Federal Policing

2024-01-05 08:00 PST

File # 2015-3518

Vincenzo James Sansalone of the Hells Angels Haney chapter was recently sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment after being convicted on various drug charges. The December 6, 2023 sentencing was a result of a joint Canada-U.S. transnational organized crime investigation conducted by the BC RCMP Federal Serious and Organized Crime program (FSOC), and U.S. authorities that spanned across San Diego, California; Seattle, Washington; and Metro Vancouver, BC.

The lengthy and complex investigation was initially launched by the BC RCMP Kelowna FSOC - Major Projects unit in 2015, and quickly extended across multiple Canadian, and U.S. jurisdictions. Through the use of numerous advanced investigative techniques, including undercover operations and wire taps, FSOC investigators were able to gather sufficient evidence to arrest the main suspects for conspiracy to import cocaine into Canada from the U.S., as well as production, and trafficking of MDMA. During the course of the investigation, BC RCMP FSOC seized 12 KG of MDMA and $380,000 in cash, of which the suspects intended to use as a down payment for the purchase of 18 kilograms of cocaine.

In March of 2018, FSOC teams executed search warrants on multiple residences, and arrested six suspects; four of whom were charged with various drug related offences. The suspects included Vincenzo James Sansalone, Daniel James Alexander, Martino Calabretti, and Zlatko Garvic.

Alexander, Garvic, and Calabretti were charged with Conspiracy to Import Cocaine, contrary to Section 465(1)(c) of the Criminal Code of Canada (CCC); with Calabretti and Sansalone also being charged with Trafficking in MDMA/MDA, contrary to Section 5(1) of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA).

In addition to Sansalone’s recent sentencing; on March 9, 2023, Alexander was also sentenced to serve five years in prison; followed by Garvic, who was handed a four year prison sentence on April 27, 2023.

Transnational Organized Crime investigations conducted by the BC RCMP FSOC Major Projects unit are some of the most complex, protracted, and resource intensive undertakings within the Federal and International Policing Directorate. The successful dismantling of this organized crime network demonstrates the high degree of support and collaboration we receive from, and provide to our domestic, and U.S. law enforcement partners.

Source - A/Superintendent Jillian Wellard, Officer in Charge of the BC RCMP Federal Serious & Organized Crime – Major Projects.

Calabretti’s case is still before the court, and is expected to advance over the coming months.

RCMP Federal Serious and Organized Crime emblem

The BC RCMP FSOC Major Projects program specifically targets organized crime groups whose criminal activities pose a serious threat to Canada, and our international partners. The elite investigators of the FSOC Major Projects teams are specially trained to conduct highly complex, long-term investigative projects that have a national, and transnational scope; often involving international partner agencies from around the world. In order to effectively collaborate with top-tier international law enforcement agencies from across the globe, BC RCMP Federal Policing investigators meet, and exceed the highest levels of performance standards through ongoing training and education in advanced investigative techniques, while using the latest, cutting-edge technology.

If you have information about a crime and wish to report it, you may contact your local police agency, or report it anonymously by calling BC Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.


Released by:

Cpl. Arash Seyed
Media Relations Officer
Federal Serious & Organized Crime (FSOC)
14200 Green Timbers Way, Surrey, B.C. V3T 6P3
Office: 778-290-4724
Fax: 778-290-6092

Email: bcfederalpolicing_media@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

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