Profile Series Part 4 - Cancer affects us all

Ridge Meadows

2022-09-20 07:59 PDT

File # Public Advisory

Profile Series – Part Four

Cancer affects us all – An Op-Ed piece by Jordan and Pete

photo of cyclists on side of the road group picture of cops for cancer cyclists

Think of your family. Now think of your friends. When you think of these people do you know anyone in your circle who has been touched by cancer? Chances are that you do, as cancer is estimated to affect 2 in 5 Canadians. 

Something which our police officers do every year is participate in the "Cops for Cancer" bike ride. This annual event is a bicycle tour which raises funds for cancer research and first responders have been participating in this ride across the country. This year Constable Jordan Shields and Corporal Peter Westra, two Ridge Meadows RCMP officers, have joined the Tour de Coast, cycling over 800 km over varied terrain visiting numerous communities all over British Columbia. The Police officers and Emergency Services personnel who participate in the ride do so willingly and volunteer their personal time, with the money raised going to support childhood cancer research and support services.
For this installment of our Profile Series we wanted to share Jordan and Pete’s personal story behind their participation.

Jordan’s story

"This is the second year I have participated in the ride. Last year’s event was limited to 5 days due to pandemic restrictions and I know I have more to give. With the ride, I wanted to have the opportunity to interact with schools, business and communities for an amazing cause. Cancer seems to be something that touches everyone; my own life being impacted when I was just 10 years old and my mom was diagnosed with cancer. I admit those were scary times but I am happy to share my mom survived her battle with cancer.

I also recognize not every family is this lucky as I also lost a friend to cancer. I know that I will be challenged personally on the ride as it is a grueling amount of time on the bike but, this is nothing compared to what cancer patients endure and, when I finish, I will have had the opportunity to interact with schools, business and communities for an amazing cause. Together, we can beat this."

Pete’s story:

"I thought about doing this ride for years. After losing my brother-in-law, Dave to a long courageous battle with cancer in May of 2021, it solidified my resolve. I had to participate. Dave wasn’t just my brother in law he was also my university soccer coach. And he was my friend. I miss him and the conversations we used to have. I will always cherish those moments.

After the decision was made to join the ride this year, I received the devastating news that my father had been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. This fortified in my mind that the ride, and any cancer research we can support, is one way I can contribute in assisting others in their cancer journey. The funds we raise will directly continue the trend to more effective treatments. So many people in previous years have done incredible work to raise funds for cancer research and, while it will serve as motivation to complete the ride, I will think of Dave, and my Dad, to help get me to the finish line. It’s the least I can do."

If you want to follow along with Jordan and Pete’s or donate to their journey starting on September 21 - 29, 2022 please check out the links below.

Released by:

Cpl. Julie Klaussner
Media Relations Officer
Ridge Meadows RCMP
11990 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 9B8
Office: 604-467-7647


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