Block Watch

block watch logoWhat is Block Watch?

Block Watch is a program where neighbours watch out for neighbours. It aims to get citizens involved in discouraging and preventing crime at the local level. The ultimate success of Block Watch depends largely on a commitment to cooperate between area residents and the police — and more importantly, between residents themselves.


How Does It Work?

The program depends on mutual aid. Your neighbours know who you are, what type of car you drive, and may be the first to notice a suspicious person at your door or window. A police officer patrolling your community may not recognize a stranger in your yard — but your neighbours will.

The Block Watch program builds on these facts. By simply getting to know the neighbours around you, you will be well positioned to recognize someone or something that is suspicious. When neighbours work together, they can combat crime in their area the most effective way — before it starts. Block Watch encourages active participation in crime prevention.

As part of the Program, you can learn:

What Is Required of Volunteers?

To get involved in Block Watch in your area contact your local Community Police Office. Our Crime Prevention Coordinators can provide you with more detailed information on how to start up a Block Watch Group. Please email Blair Berkner at

Creating Safer Neighbourhoods one block at a time.


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